Student Solution


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15 Universities

8 Courses

3 Subjects

Module 1 Journal :Influence on Audience

Module 1 journal

Q Q) How do you think audience influences your writing and the writing of others? How might you persuade two different audiences (you choose who they are) to adopt a certain position in your exploratory paper? For example, if gun control was your exploratory issue, how might your approach differ if you were trying to suggest gun control to the National Rifle Association or the American Medical Association? (this is an example, but NOT your specific topic--write about your food-related essay topic). Please answer in two or three clearly written paragraphs.

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The audience of a writing matters, as the content and form depends on them and also might vary accordingly. The same piece of writing might appeal differently to different audiences. Roland Barthes in his famous essay ‘The Death of the Author’ talks about the relationship between